Recent Scams
How to avoid being a victim of a scam
Have you being the victim of a scam? Do you know someone who has been ripped off or lost money in a scam? Listen in as we discuss how you can avoid being a victim of a scam.
What are some of the most dangerous financial scams?
What are some of the most dangerous financial scams? Why are business owners targets of such scams? Are you raising capital or need to infuse your business with cash? Then listen in as we discuss the methods you can use to protect yourself from getting ripped off
One of the Most Recent Scams Involved Fox News
One of the most recent scams was a news story involving Fox News. “Arrested on fraud charges and falsely claiming to be a CIA operative, Wayne Shelby Simmons has been caught feeding disinformation to Fox News for over a decade.” (Source That’s 10 years of news stories that have been completely discredited. That’s 10 years of credibility out the window all because Fox News hired a self-proclaimed expert who turned out to be a fraud. How did this happen? Fox did not do ANY due diligence. The fact of the matter is that something like “worked for the CIA” is fairly easy to verify. Especially for an organization like Fox News. More importantly, working for the CIA is SUPER EASY [...]